Grant requests and process
AVINA Stiftung accepts grant requests via our online form at any time. Please consult the information on our areas of activity and selection criteria below. Make sure that your project is in line with our focus areas and fulfils the selection criteria before submitting the request for funding.
Please note that AVINA Stiftung can only process grant applications that were submitted via this online form. Applications sent by mail or email will not be processed by AVINA Stiftung.
Please understand that re-submissions will not be considered.
Our administrative office will examine your request and will usually inform you within two or three months whether AVINA Stiftung will pursue your project. If AVINA Stiftung cannot support your project, you will receive a written notification.
By the way:
SwissFoundations’ website offers instructions on how to compile a compelling application (available in German and French only).
German Version
French Version
Conditions for funding
Areas of activity:
AVINA Stiftung’s focuses on project in the area of sustainable food and healthy diets, which rest on two main pillars:
Research and development
Innovative products and services
Excluded funding areas:
Projects of commercial nature/character
Projects outside of Switzerland or without global reach
Development aid/projects in developing countries
Social projects
Events and activities
Construction / „Brick and mortar“ projects
Individuals or individual fates
Animal welfare projects
Contributions to nature reserves
Lobbying and political issues
Selection criteria:
All six of the following selection criteria need to be addressed in detail in your application. They form the basis for a well informed decision process on our side:
Content: We expect that all applications are complete and meet our quality standards and at the same time are easily understandable and coherent. Applicants should be able to demonstrate proven expertise in their specific field and incorporate scientific standards. Only those applications that meet these requirements have a chance of being funded.
Clear concept: The project is based on a comprehensible and sensible concept with concrete operational steps. Analyses around the target market, possible risks and challenges, but especially the vision and goals have been clarified and are part of the application.
Innovative power: The project has an innovative character, the goals are set high but realistically and it has the potential to change the sustainably produced and healthy nutrition sector in the future.
Sustainability: The project concept also determines whether or how the project will be self-sustaining after the end of funding or how the results of the project can be used in other areas in the long term.
Impact orientation: The funds spoken must be used in an impact-oriented manner and there must be a broad range of applications. The measurability of this impact must already be part of the concept and also serves to monitor the achievement of objectives during the project's duration.
Transparency: A regular exchange between the project partner and the AVINA Stiftung, which is also included in the milestone planning, should be planned accordingly.
Overview application process
AVINA Stiftung uses a multi-stage process for grant applications. This process is intended to minimise the effort for applicants and at the same time reduce the processing time of the applications on our side. You can save your application at any time and complete and submit it at a later stage.
Step 1: Project overview
Enter your email address as part of your application. You will be sent an email with a link that will take you to your personal application form. Fill in the given fields and submit the project overview.
Step 2: Evaluation
Upon reception of the project overview, AVINA Stiftung will evaluate whether a full grant application can be submitted. As a rule, we will inform you within four weeks whether the project can be pursued further. If the project does not meet our funding criteria, you will receive a written notification.
Step 3: Grant application
In case of a positive evaluation of the project overview you will receive another email containing the link to a full grant application. Fill in the given fields, complete with attachments and submit the application.
Step 4: Feedback
In a further examination step, the grant application is analysed for innovative power, quality, sustainability and risks. We might contact you, if any questions arise during this process step.
Step 5: Decision
On the basis of the grant application form, the supplementary documents and a recommendation from the administrative office, the Board of Trustees decides whether to accept or reject the application. You will be informed of the decision in writing.
It is possible that the Board of Trustees may attach certain conditions to the acceptance or may not approve the full amount of the requested funding.
Step 6: Project partnership
AVINA Stiftung sees itself as a project partner and not just a source of funding. It is therefore important to us to closely follow the approved projects and to be informed about the project progress and related developments. The grant agreement, which is drawn up jointly, contains the conditions and reporting obligations linked to the payments.